miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Oudtshoorn - 19.8.2009

The Oysters were very good and afterwards we got a great grilled fish and meat (surf'n turf). We spent the rest of the evening a the campfire at our hostel with some americans, irish and australian people.

Next morning we got up early like always (it is getting dark at around 18h and at 21h it feels like in the middle of the night and at 22h you find us usually in our beds) and went to the beach. Two hours later we arrived at the backpacker in buffalo bay really closed to the wild beach and 15km far from Knysna where we had a township tour at 14h (it was interesting but poor as expected). The landscape around is very beautiful with huge beaches, lagunes and waves for surfers. Since it is wintertime here it is a great time to travel not to busy and overcrowded. We got a fantastic dinner at the hostel for around 6 euros with big salad, lamp chops, something like "Hirse" called pap with warmed tomatos and a sweet corn (Kolben don't know the name). There was a storm at night and wo got up even earlier than normal. Christin almost drove me crazy with her activism :-) (remark Martina)

After breakfast we went to Oudtshoorn. The stop in wilderness was supposed to be the lunchbreak but after arriving there 1 hour later it was kind of too early (ok we will study the map better next time).
We visited already the cango caves and a wildlife ranch where we saw cute lions, crocodiles and more. This area is famous for its austrich farms so guess what we will have for dinner tonight.

Cheers mates

P.S.: The treehouse was actually really that one we slept in we did not managed to upload the pictures yet (but you are welcome to our 5-10 hour presentation after the holiday ;-)

4 comentarios:

  1. Lo que está claro, es que comer, estáis comiendo bien :DDDDDDD


  2. Hola chicas, schön zu lesen, dass es euch so gut geht und ihr so viel tolle Sachen erlebt, da bekomme ich richtig Fernweh während ich hier auf meiner Couch in Düsseldorf hocke. Euch noch ganz viel Spaß und unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Take care, un besito y un saludo de Doreen & Frank

  3. >OK I understand about 50%.
    Cute lions? I always thought lions are "CUTE"!!!
    Ok. I like CATS but LIONS are big frikken cats!!!
    Don't bring any home!!! They get bigger after a year!!!
    Keep having fun and don't get any tatoos ;-)


  4. hola,
    veo que hace días que no escribis, yo he visto hoy tu mail porque acabo de llegar de vacaciones y me cuesta seguir en inglés, pero algo pillo
    Espero que todo esté bien y que vayáis contando más.
